The possibilities for seasonings and toppings for your popcorn are practically endless. But, of course, what tastes good sprinkled on popcorn depends on whether you prefer salty or sweet popcorn.
Many people like to stick to the classics, such as popcorn with salt and butter. But if you want to spice things up every once in a while, you can add any seasoning to make your popcorn taste like anything you want.
Some of the toppings that taste good sprinkled on popcorn are:
- The classics: salt and butter
- Melted white, milk, or dark chocolate
- Cheddar cheese
- Parmesan cheese
- Garlic powder
- Cinnamon
- Chocolate chips
- Maple syrup
- Caramel
- Sweet cherry syrup
- Toasted coconut
- Crispy bacon
- Chili powder
- Nutmeg
- Dried herbs
If you like to experiment with flavors, then you may want to try these creative popcorn seasonings and toppings:
- Reese’s pieces
- Peanut butter
- Hot chocolate
- Barbeque sauce
- Pizza (with oregano, chili flakes, and parmesan cheese)
- Olive oil and dried tomatoes
- Cheddar cheese and chili powder
- Maple syrup and crunchy bacon
- Nacho cheese
- Vanilla extract and lavender (add a handful of dried lavender flowers)