Free Shipping on orders above $50


We can ship to virtually any address in the United States as well as many military APO addresses.ย  Note that there may be restrictions on some products depending on the season and/or size of the product.ย  Our preferred shipping carriers are UPS and FedEx and all orders whether Flat Rate Shipping or qualified Free Shipping orders will ship via Ground service.ย  APO-addressed orders will ship through USPS Priority Mail service.ย  Our shipping department will determine the most efficient delivery option based on the recipient mailing address you provide.ย 

When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. Your order will be made in the order in which it is received with weekend orders being processed first on Monday mornings. Depending on the size of your order, standard popcorn orders (non-customized products) received by 11 AM (Arizona Time), will typically be handcrafted, packaged, and shipped on the same weekday. Orders received after 11 AM will ship the following weekday. If you need your order expedited, contact us directly at for current express service rates.

Please also note that the shipping rates for many items we sell are based on weight and the dimensions of the outer package. To reflect the policies of the shipping companies we use, all weights will be rounded up to the next full pound.

Kettle Heroes strives to provide the fastest and cheapest shipping solutions for its customers. Unfortunately, although popcorn is light, it takes up a lot of space and consequently, UPS and FedEx charge us using what’s called: dimensional weight. For example, a case of popcorn that weighs 5 LBS is billed by UPS and FedEx as 17 LBS due to the large box required to ship 5 LBS of popcorn.

We encourage you to meet our FREE SHIPPING order value thresholds to avoid shipping charges.ย  Once your order ships, you will receive an automated email notification including your carrier tracking information.

Please see below for current estimated shipping times via FedEx Ground from Tempe, Arizona: