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What is the Difference between Kettle Popcorn and Regular Popcorn?

What is the Difference between Kettle Popcorn and Regular Popcorn?

Kettle corn is a variety of corn that was initially made in the kettle – people would oil a large iron kettle and cook the corn. Once the popcorn has popped, it is tossed with a sugar and salt mixture to give it a savory taste and distinct texture.

Regular popcorn belongs to a corn variety that bursts open and puffs when exposed to high temperatures, releasing the moisture trapped inside the kernel. Hence the name.

The regular variety of popcorn could be found almost anywhere in the past. At the same time, kettle corn was reserved for events such as carnivals and fairs.

Here are the most significant differences between kettle popcorn and regular popcorn:

  • Classic popcorn is mostly popped with oil and butter, while kettle popcorn is traditionally air-popped in an iron kettle.
  • Regular popcorn is considered a healthy snack. While kettle popcorn has similar health benefits, you should watch the sugar.
  • Regular popcorn is a classic salty snack, while kettle popcorn has a sweeter flavor.